This blog is going to chart my attempt at building a replica 1960's Marshall JTM45 amplifier. I’ve always wanted one, and was considering buying the Marshall Reissue JTM45 until I stumbled upon George Metropoulos’s MetroAmp website. George builds replica Marshall Plexi amps to order, from JTM45s to 100 watt Superleads. He also, until recently, offered kit versions. After hours of reading the Metro Forum, I became hooked, and planned to buy a kit. Unfortunately the kits were discontinued just as I was about to order one. There’s a few other kit manufacturers around, but none seemed to be as good, or as accurate as the Metros'. Luckily, the instructions and bill of parts for the Metro kits are available to download from the site, and after reading them, I decided to see if I could gather all the parts to build one from scratch.
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So, after about 2 months searching the net, I’ve managed to get hold of almost all I need. The amp is going to be built on a chassis I bought from steves025ukon eBay. He offers the chassis either pre-drilled or blank, I opted for the blank version. There’s still a few more bits to get, but I have enough to get started. The first step will be drilling the chassis...